As part of the Healthy Lifestyle Upgrades Series, I thought I would share how I exfoliate my face without the use of toxic, chemical laden exfoliating products.

Baking soda (a.k.a. sodium bicarbonate) equals the perfect facial exfoliant! I’ve been using baking soda to exfoliate my face for years. It’s a great all-natural alternative to commercially available face scrubs and exfoliating products, which can be damaging to the skin (and your health).

Why I LOVE Baking Soda as a Facial Exfoliant

Non-Abrasive This is one of the things I really love about using baking soda to exfoliate my face. It’s a gentle exfoliator! You want to avoid using facial exfoliants that are too abrasive. They can scratch and break the skin, which can cause redness, irritation, and even worsen existing skin issues.

Naturally Cleansing – Baking soda helps unplug and remove dirt from the pores of your skin. This not only leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth, but I’ve also found it to be an effective way to keep blemishes and breakouts from occurring.

Non-Toxic – Exposure to toxins poses a threat to our health and overall wellbeing. So anyway we can reduce the amount of toxicity in our lives is beneficial. Baking soda is free of synthetic preservatives, additives, artificial dyes, fragrances, mineral oil, petroleum derivatives, etc. And, to top it off, baking soda actually helps neutralize toxins including chemicals and heavy metals! Just make sure to buy aluminum free baking soda.

Inexpensive – Very cost effective. Virtually anyone can afford it.

Naturally Exfoliate Your Face with Baking Soda - Sophisticated Booty

  • Important Reminder!
  • Not all baking soda is the same. Only use aluminum free baking soda.

How to Use Baking Soda as a Facial Exfoliant

This is What I Do:

I keep a small airtight container filled with baking soda (aluminum free) in my bathroom. Optional: You can mix in a few drops of your favorite essential oil(s) to formulate a scrub that offers specific qualities like anti-aging, acne fighting, toning, etc.

To Use:

I rinse my face with warm water. Then I grab some baking soda and gently massage it all over my face and neck using circular motions. I do this for about 45 seconds to 1 minute. Then I rinse with warm water followed by cold water (to close my pores). Then I pat my face dry and moisturize. Note: Be mindful of all products you use on your skin i.e. toners, astringents, moisturizers, eye creams, makeup, etc. You may want to check out my post, “Healthy Lifestyle Upgrades: My Absolute Favorite Chemical Free, Plant-Based Skin Care Products.” 

Alternatively, you could make a baking soda paste. Take a little baking soda and add enough water until you reach the desired paste consistency.

Please Note: I use baking soda as a daily exfoliant and cleanser for my face. But because everyone is different, using baking soda everyday may not be suitable for you.


Best of Health,


*Information and statements regarding Nutrition, a Raw Food Diet, and  Superfoods have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

One Response to “Healthy Lifestyle Upgrades: Naturally Exfoliate Your Face with Baking Soda”

  1. Kaleigh says:

    Your’s is the inngllieett approach to this issue.

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