I never actually go to the beach, but I do enjoy going to the lake or river. It’s not that I don’t like the beach because I’m totally a tropical beach kind of gal.
If I lived somewhere like Hawaii, I’d definitely spend my free time playing at the beach!
Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Instead, my beach is the Oregon Coast. Have you ever been to the Oregon Coast? It’s usually windy, and the temperature is a lot cooler. A lot of people go to get away from the summer heat. Not really my idea of an enjoyable day at the beach.
But, it’s okay. Oregon has plenty of beautiful lakes, rivers, and swimming holes to spend the day at.
Whenever I go to the lake or river, I make sure to pack my beach bag with everything I need for the day.
So, what’s in my beach bag?
1 Glass Liter of Spring Water. It’s so important to stay hydrated when you’re out in the heat. So, I always have a liter of water that I carry in my bag, but also an additional gallon or two.
Raw Cacao Butter. I stopped using sunscreen years ago. I don’t believe in putting chemical lotions like these onto and into my body. Plus, in my opinion, it’s responsible for causing some forms of skin cancer. Instead, I bring a glass jar with some cacao butter, which naturally has an SPF of 3.
Sun Hat & White Long Sleeve Shirt. If you don’t have access to some shade, these two items can save the day.
Trail Mix. I like to make my own healthy trail mix to bring as a snack. It’s perfect because it won’t melt, and it’s a great way to keep your energy levels high throughout day!
Beach Towel. Can’t go to the beach (lake or river) without a towel!
Board Shorts. If I’m going to be wakeboarding, then these are a must. Having my bikini bottoms pulled down, is an embarrassment I’d like to avoid!
Kindle. I always bring my Kindle. I’m not sure why, since I don’t think I’ve ever actually used it!
Notepad and Pen. I like to have them just in case … I don’t know … I have a genius idea or …
Tampons. I usually have a few tampons in my bag. It seems like I never actually use them (unless of course it’s that time of month), but someone else usually needs one, and I’m glad to help!
I really like the beach bags that Victoria’s Secret comes out with. They usually have special offers where you can receive a free beach bag with a qualifying purchase. So, that’s pretty cool if you like to shop at Victoria’s Secret.
Also, ROXY has some super cute beach bags too!
I hope I listed something that you can use in your beach bag!
Have a Wonderful Day!
What are your favorite beach bag essentials?
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